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Knowing Your Property and Neighborhood Before Buying

Buying the right home is more than finding a nice property. Learn more about a prospective purchase by getting to know the neighbourhood with these tips.

When you purchase a property you plan to live in, it’s
important to understand you’re investing in so much more than a house or an
apartment. From the layout and size of the property to the neighbourhood that
surrounds it, a home is an investment in your desired lifestyle for years to

To ensure your next home suits your needs and is right for
you, we’ve gathered some information you might want to consider to get to know
a prospective purchase on a deeper level.

Getting to know the

This doesn’t mean knocking on the front door of neighbouring
houses and introducing yourself – although you may want to do that too. What we
mean by this is understanding that the placement of your home can really impact
its suitability to you. A perfect home right next to a train line, for example,
may not be suitable. Just like a new home that is placed next to an upcoming
apartment complex may be something you wish to avoid.

Getting to know the properties surrounding your own, as well
as any indicators that they are likely to change will help you determine if
this purchase is right for you. Constructions projects, while inconvenient in
the short term could also impact your enjoyment of a property in the long term
if it obstructs your views, introduces noise or reduces the value of the area.

How is the area as a

This is similar to the point above, but branches out further
than the street your property is on. Look at the facilities in the
neighbourhood, the average cost for homes and if this has increased or
decreased recently. Are any public spaces well maintained? Will you have
everything you need within walking distance? If not, how is parking or public

You’ll know all too well how important location is when
selecting a home. However, many of us look at the location in terms of being
close to work or loved ones and not what the neighbourhood itself can offer in
terms of the lifestyle you’d like to enjoy.

Asking a local for

Getting an objective opinion is important for buyers to identify anything they’ve missed while looking at a property through rose-coloured glasses. A local property inspector is a great choice as they’ll not only know the history of properties in the area; they’ll give you an unbiased opinion on the condition of the property. Your local inspector will have inspected surrounding homes and can identify if there is a trend such as termite prone areas, which could impact you as a potential buyer.


or Call Daniel on    0478 778 899